Saturday, December 12, 2009

when did i start liking van morrison?

i guess i have changed a little. there are two things i want to remember right now, one, i want to contact my family more often, instead of talking about about little things, i can talk about the big things, the stuff i hope i started conveying through this site.

it looks like unemployment is a sure thing for 26 weeks, 6058 dollars. that's 6 months and i think a pretty reasonable half year's salary for going to school. i feel really proud, this is what i wanted, and now i have it. if i get some extra help from the emergency housing fund and possibly food stamps. i might be able to live well during this trial. 19 credits are more than i have taken before, i need a good grade, i need to prove to myself that i will put in the time needed to score well on tests as well as get out of each class everything that i want. this is a very big mishmash of classes, spanish, astronomy, english, film, math, and history. i don't expect to like them all, but i need to do well.

the second thing is, i need to worry about becoming friends with girls, i have a feeling that i'm leaving intimacy out of a relationship right now, and that is true, but, should i try to add the kind of intimacy i'm thinking of? probably not. what are some other kinds that i can add instead? honesty? openness? those are intimate on a psychological order instead of physical. physical intimacy is really nice, but it doesn't add much to anyone else's life. i'm doing some growing here, i should be careful about how much i focus on my pleasures right now. i'm smoking cigarettes and i can already see problems in the way i think about them and how i use them.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Watching the office, Procrastinating before I study Latin

The Office, what a bizarre show. There might be a lot of exaggeration, but, I like it.

Ok, Latin. Why did I ever say I wanted to learn this stupid language. Stephanie, and that English Comp book. Why did I take that book? I guess I knew what was coming, where it would land me, and I wanted to leave an illusion open because I couldn't accept my failure. School was stupid, in many ways, but that is no excuse for not paying attention. I had all the tools to do more with my education than most of the people in school. I have a good brain, quick at making connections and great in memory. Was it marijuana, was it teenage angst? I don't know right now, I'm retracing my steps and making better decisions this time. I don't know if it will make my life better, but if I don't try I know it will seal my fate. I'll become a very smart ordinary person. I'll be a boring book. I'll sit on a shelf, and what will I give to my children. How will I make a difference for the story of mankind?

It might be a stupid language. It probably isn't at all, and I said I would do this. Here goes.

Starting over at Chapter 1:

The Five Characteristics of Verba -

Persona - a verbum relates to the subject, the action is performed by or upon the subject

Numerus - depending on the number of subjects the form of the verbum will alter. id est, he does versus they do

Tempus - the same is true for when the action occurs. There are six Latin tenses, present future, imperfect, perfect(aka present perfect), future perfect and pluperfect(plus quam perfectum - more than perfect)(aka past perfect)

Modus - the type of action, statement of fact, request of action, and theoretical action

Vox - the indicator of performance or reception

Ok, I put all that up, and it is all important, In this chapter the time, mood and voice will all pretty much stay the same. Like Spanish, the personal view and the number of participants are was is focused on early. I don't know if this is good or not, I don't know much Spanish even though I remember o, as, a, amos, ais, an. Anyway conjugating a verb means to show it in all it's possible forms. There are many possible forms in Latin so, I will learn o, s, t, mus, tis, and nt to start with.

I'm learning two groups of verbs first, the first declension and the second declension. These are two groups that are formed similarly. It's like taking all the verbs that end in ed in a certain case and putting them together.

I get my first glimpse at Latin verbs I'll be working with in the present infinitive active form. I think understanding the five characteristics of verbs is important so I will state that an infinitive isn't limited by person and number. It only indicates tense and voice. The mood isn't mentioned and I can only guess it's very complicated since this form(in English it is formed by adding to before a present active verb i.e. to make) can fit any of the three moods.

Translations - the fun part -

Labor me vocat.
Vocat is third person singular so this is someone or something calling me to labor.
It calls me to labor.

Mone me, amabo te, si erro.
ok, first amabo te is an idiom which means please. Taken out of the sentence there are two verbs, I'm horrible at grammar, so even though I can translate this I don't think I'm getting the most of the effort. Mone is in the present active infinitive, it simply means advise and me still means me. So we have advise me, please, si erro. This is a plea from the speaker to some unknown person, presumably someone with more wisdom than the plaintiff. Si simply means if, erro is first person singular so it means I err. So, the verb is to err and the subject is the speaker.
Please advise me if I err.

Festina lente.
Festinare to hasten is in the present active infinitive, it refers to neither person nor number. It simply conveys hasten. Lente, an adjective means slowly. Thus:
Hasten slowly. Or, Make haste slowly.

Laudas me; culpant me.
I like this sentence, it is based on some unknown original and I feel a lot of reality behind it. First compound sentence!
You praise me; They blame me.

Saepe peccamus.
More boring but, it is interesting to see the meaning in two words.
Often we sin.

Quid debemus cogitare?
What ought we to think? I think that grammatically checks out, cogitare means to think, and since re is there I believe I am obligated to keep it so that the present infinitive active is preserved. However the thinking proposed is to be done by us, so the number as person are both expressed, it wouldn't make sense, however, if cogitamus were used. What ought we we think. And, I like the definition must best.
What must we think?

Conservate me!
Maintain me!

Rumor volat.
Another awkward literal. Rumor he flies. I wish I had a teacher to double check that my interpretation fits.
His rumor flies.

Me non amat.
She loves, not, me. Me amat, me non amat.
She loves me not.

Nihil me terret.
Nothing, me, it does terrify. Another shifty sentence.
Nothing it does terrifies me.

Apollo me saepe servat.
Apollo me often he serves. Simple enough, the he refers to Apollo, thus:
Apollo often serves me.

Salvete! - quid videtis? Nihil videmus.
Greetings! - what do you see? We see nothing.

Saepe nihil cogitas.
Epic burn, the previous sentence was probably a shaky Seape cogito(I often think).
You often think of nothing.

Bis das, si cito das.
Ancient proverb apparently(professional words) bis is twice, doubt I'll run into that again soon, cito is the opposite of lente, curious I got both of those in the first chapter. You give twice, if you quickly give. The book thinks I should figure out what this means, don't be desperate, you'll look bad. True dat.
Twice given, if quickly given.

Si vales, valeo.
I guess this is similar to a dear sir in the history of letter writing.
If you are strong, I am strong.
Romans were obsessed with strength, vale appears to have been a common parting sentiment.

What does he see?
Quid vides?
So, the author is throwing around does eh?

They are giving nothing.
Nihil dant.

You ought not to praise me.
Me lauda non debes.

If I err, he often warns me.
Si erro, saepe mones.

If you love me, save me, please!
Si me amat, salve me, amabo te.

Ok, now it's tough, I have a reading from Horace to translate, then I can actually translate some stuff with a key.

Maecenas et Vergilius me hodie vocant. Quid cogitare debeo? Quid debeo respondere? Si erro, me saepe monent et culpant; si non erro, me laudant. Quid hodie cogitare debeo?

Maecenas and Virgil call me today. What ought I think? What ought I reply? If I make a mistake, they often advice and censure me; if I don't make mistakes, they praise me. What should I think today?

Not so bad, I'm sure reading this is a bitch though. Ok, a few tidbits from the end of the chapter.

Quid est nomen tibi?
Nomen mihi est Sean.

And, ioci terribiles - terrible jokes.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Enveloped Willingly into a Less Social Life

I need to get some food, but I decided to make the food I have before I get some new food. This sucks, because I have some weird stuff left in my kitchen, I can make toast, french toast, sandwiches, pasta, there are potatoes, a bit of milk, butter, ranch dressing, mayonnaise, spices and hot sauces. So much tomato paste, I think it was left over from an old roommate.

So, yeah, I have a hell of a lot less social life now that I used to have, and that was a huge reduction of what I used to have even before that. I don't recommend such a dry social life, it's got consequences in the way you think, that's my least favorite side effect. I tried counteracting it with a few beers at night, that wasn't worth the effort. I think I got something that works though. Smoking a bit of pot and meditating. I can't wait to get my house in order, I might be weird, or I might be like a lot of people, but a messy house is enough to cripple my ability to get things done. I guess that's true when it's my mess.

I want to be more social, but I feel so weird when I get into situations with other people, I feel tugged and obligated, I don't even know what I feel obligated to do. But, it isn't a good feeling, so I avoid those situations for the time being. I know that if I went to a doctor or a psychologist they would just say, 'sean, you have social anxiety disorder, here is some Xanex' and I've had xanex before, it makes me feel fantastic, I get the wanting to be close to fellow people, it's great. It's also not a drug I would take for anything other than recreation.

One day, maybe I should be upset that the precious moments of my life are draining away while I get accustomed to what I should have grown accustomed to years ago. I had so many years to become a great socialite. Maybe it won't happen, and I'm wasting my time. A good friend once told me, if you fail, you fail forward. You might not accomplish what you want, but you learn, and you are in a better position to move forward.

I want to start going through latin lessons on here before the end of the week, and I should apply for my next semester of school soon. So those will be some things to get done, I think I'll use the comment system to voice completion of these tasks.

I started listening to and enjoying modest mouse again, that's a band I haven't enjoyed in some time. I guess I'm going through a melancholy mood. They come, and there isn't much I can do about it but make it through to the other side. I'm happy I have a place to voice my feelings, they aren't good a lot of the time, and maybe I sound like a whiny emo kid, but hell, it feels good to get it out.

I love the internet, I love being able to say what I think and get feedback without worrying about a permanent stigmata. Listen, I know I have some undeveloped areas in my life, and I'm sick of avoiding them. I might be using the most weak version of 'gettin' out ther' and gettin' er done' but I'm doing something.

Speaking of doing things, I'm like this, I don't have an audience, just a sounding board. I like that.

Something I've learned about people who predict the future

They always figure things will continue on a constant rate of increase, there isn't much consideration for random events, if there is it is a decrease in the rate. Events are like stock graphs, they go up and down, and for some reasons that aren't obvious to the untrained they fail completely. Prophets see elegance when they should see a mess.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Late Nite World Peace Thought

It really bothers me that we as a race are heading no where. This story we are told is full of bullshit. All of it, some people are good and some people are bad, but it depends on when and on what. It's enough to make a rational being very vexed. I try and understand why people take one side or another. Are they so hurt that they can't choose to take neither?

Our country has a basic duality, and it is based on color. There is a Red and Blue division in this nation. Pepsi or Coke, Miller Lite(Bud Lite) or Budweiser, Republicans or Democrats. It's very annoying, since two of these colors are on the flag, wouldn't it make some sense to have a third group? And since these reds and blues seem to have such strong positions to one side or the other, I think it's obvious what is going on here.

We are becoming French. I don't know if this is a good thing or not, these guys helped us become what we are, sure, they gave us the statue of liberty, great, they also tried to have their own revolution, not so great, at least three Napoleons, wait, one of those sold us Iowa, so I guess that's nice. They gave us fashion or something, they have a nice health care system, good cooks, this could be ok.

Oh yeah, world peace, we need to get on this thing. So, to hell with the cacophony of baloney, there are some things that I can do to change the shape of the future. Here are a few things that people are working on already: instant translators that work for most major languages are already in existence. This is brilliant but we need something ubiquitous, something portable, instant and hopefully text based. A pair of glasses that run subtitles would be perfect. It would be simple with the technology of right now, a pair of glasses with a retina writer, and a cellular internet link. It'd look ugly as hell in prototype and I'd bet the text would suck and there would be problems, but we have the tech, people who know multiple languages could work on a wiki style language data base to improve translations. And all of a sudden, people don't have to loose their native language to communicate or compete globally. I don't like this idea of globalism bringing English to the whole world. What's so great about our language? Nothing I can see, it's arbitrary and not very unique, there are a lot of languages, I can't imagine where they are all spoken at, but I'm really convinced that making steps toward a universal translator is a good step. So many people must feel ostracized because they weren't born where English is spoken, or whatever the local dominant language is. It isn't fair, and when the technology could be developed, there is no reason to encourage the destruction of local cultures for progress. I don't know, seems language has some way of fitting into a solution.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Big Decision

It's time to decide what to do with the first part of this coming year. It's a hard choice, I've got a lot impeding me from getting to this work. My house is a mess, I've got a lot of tools at my disposal but they are all half buried ideas. I'm wasting a lot of energy on pointless activities. My mind is seeking for something to put my creativity to. It's like there is a giant landscape in front of me. It's the largest thing that I've ever seen, it's the largest landscape that has ever existed in the minds of people. Every way that I look at it I see something interesting, and so picking my path is like choosing between either cookies or ice cream. How am I supposed to pick? I know some people who are walking down their own roads, seems like they went with the sights that were close by, some just seemed to flow like water into their future. Me, I must be behind a wall or something, because I've hardly moved since high school. I mean, I've gotten some invaluable experience, but no insight into what I want to be. That isn't to say I haven't learned about who I am. Just haven't seen that golden light extending into the future.

I still think about the part that Ashley plays in this decision. It's weird that so long after we parted she still has an effect on my life. At first I thought I hated her and that was why I needed to succeed. To triumph over the reasons she left. Yes, she hurt me very badly, but, it wasn't on purpose. That's a very hard thing to admit. It feels so much better to blame my stagnation on someone else. Something I have no control over, but it isn't the truth. I've let myself grow fat in a comfortable mediocrity. Forgiving and forgetting is a top priority.

What else is holding me back? I have a lack of solitude. I know this is of utmost importance to my psychology. I need time by myself to formulate, to come to understanding, to develop a want for social contact. Living with a roommate has a lot of benefits, shared resources, a safety net of sorts. But soon, I need to leave this comfortable setting as well.

I've got some resources here, and being in a cocoon of sorts isn't all bad. I'm like a boulder at the top of a hill, held in place precariously by a few pebbles. Loose those and I fall with all the potential energy I've ever had. Hopefully I can bring a good amount of the mountain with me. Down isn't usually the direction that people think of as good, but in this case I think it's right. There is a lot going on in the valley below were there isn't much potential that could easily be swept away.

I hope writing this blog puts my thoughts in better order. It's going to be a trial to stick with it. Wish me luck!