Monday, December 7, 2009

Late Nite World Peace Thought

It really bothers me that we as a race are heading no where. This story we are told is full of bullshit. All of it, some people are good and some people are bad, but it depends on when and on what. It's enough to make a rational being very vexed. I try and understand why people take one side or another. Are they so hurt that they can't choose to take neither?

Our country has a basic duality, and it is based on color. There is a Red and Blue division in this nation. Pepsi or Coke, Miller Lite(Bud Lite) or Budweiser, Republicans or Democrats. It's very annoying, since two of these colors are on the flag, wouldn't it make some sense to have a third group? And since these reds and blues seem to have such strong positions to one side or the other, I think it's obvious what is going on here.

We are becoming French. I don't know if this is a good thing or not, these guys helped us become what we are, sure, they gave us the statue of liberty, great, they also tried to have their own revolution, not so great, at least three Napoleons, wait, one of those sold us Iowa, so I guess that's nice. They gave us fashion or something, they have a nice health care system, good cooks, this could be ok.

Oh yeah, world peace, we need to get on this thing. So, to hell with the cacophony of baloney, there are some things that I can do to change the shape of the future. Here are a few things that people are working on already: instant translators that work for most major languages are already in existence. This is brilliant but we need something ubiquitous, something portable, instant and hopefully text based. A pair of glasses that run subtitles would be perfect. It would be simple with the technology of right now, a pair of glasses with a retina writer, and a cellular internet link. It'd look ugly as hell in prototype and I'd bet the text would suck and there would be problems, but we have the tech, people who know multiple languages could work on a wiki style language data base to improve translations. And all of a sudden, people don't have to loose their native language to communicate or compete globally. I don't like this idea of globalism bringing English to the whole world. What's so great about our language? Nothing I can see, it's arbitrary and not very unique, there are a lot of languages, I can't imagine where they are all spoken at, but I'm really convinced that making steps toward a universal translator is a good step. So many people must feel ostracized because they weren't born where English is spoken, or whatever the local dominant language is. It isn't fair, and when the technology could be developed, there is no reason to encourage the destruction of local cultures for progress. I don't know, seems language has some way of fitting into a solution.

1 comment:

  1. I commonly forget myself, I think I can simply say something and it has a closer chance of becoming real.

    I should remember to think about what I can do to make a difference in my own life.
